学生, Professor Translate the Identity and Meaning of Argentina’s Dirty War

学生, Professor Translate the Identity and Meaning of Argentina’s Dirty War

  • 托里·亨普斯特德,阿根廷留学经历
    Senior Toree Hempstead first learned about Argentina's Dirty War during her "Cultures of Spain" class. Her interest in the Dirty War was deepened during her study abroad experience in Argentina. Now she's returned to Argentina where she is conducting research with her Spanish professor.
  • Toree Hempstead,留学经历,阿根廷
    Hempstead's study abroad experience and research in Argentina have opened endless possibilities as she prepares to graduate from NWU in May. 她在等待西班牙教师职位的消息, a Spanish literacy position in the Dominican Republic and is considering careers in law, 教学与公共政策.
  • 五月广场的祖母们
    在阿根廷春假的时候, Hempstead and Nelson saw the 五月广场的祖母们 march outside of the Casa Rosada. 这个团体每周四在广场游行.
  • Authors of "我是谁:关于身份、孙子和团聚的故事."
    Nelson (second from left) and Hempstead (second from right) are pictured with some of the authors of "我是谁:关于身份、孙子和团聚的故事," the book that Hempstead and Nelson are translating through their 学生-Faculty Collaborative 研究 Grant.
  • 布宜诺斯艾利斯的前拘留中心
    A clandestine detention center in Buenos Aires where people were tortured and assassinated. 它现在是一个国家记忆博物馆.
  • 科尔多瓦的前拘留中心
    The memory museum in Cordoba, which was also a former clandestine detention center.
  • 托里·亨普斯特德,阿根廷留学经历
    Senior Toree Hempstead first learned about Argentina's Dirty War during her "Cultures of Spain" class. Her interest in the Dirty War was deepened during her study abroad experience in Argentina. Now she's returned to Argentina where she is conducting research with her Spanish professor.
  • Toree Hempstead,留学经历,阿根廷
    Hempstead's study abroad experience and research in Argentina have opened endless possibilities as she prepares to graduate from NWU in May. 她在等待西班牙教师职位的消息, a Spanish literacy position in the Dominican Republic and is considering careers in law, 教学与公共政策.
  • 五月广场的祖母们
    在阿根廷春假的时候, Hempstead and Nelson saw the 五月广场的祖母们 march outside of the Casa Rosada. 这个团体每周四在广场游行.
  • Authors of "我是谁:关于身份、孙子和团聚的故事."
    Nelson (second from left) and Hempstead (second from right) are pictured with some of the authors of "我是谁:关于身份、孙子和团聚的故事," the book that Hempstead and Nelson are translating through their 学生-Faculty Collaborative 研究 Grant.
  • 布宜诺斯艾利斯的前拘留中心
    A clandestine detention center in Buenos Aires where people were tortured and assassinated. 它现在是一个国家记忆博物馆.
  • 科尔多瓦的前拘留中心
    The memory museum in Cordoba, which was also a former clandestine detention center.

Toree Hempstead’s “Cultures of Spain” class sent her on unexpected journey.

她回忆起她的西班牙语教授, 凯茜纳尔逊, teaching about transitional justice and how countries confront human rights abuses when they transition to democracy.  在学习阿根廷历史时,她了解了肮脏战争. 

亨普斯特德,哥伦布,内布拉斯加州. 本地的, consumed the facts of one of Latin America’s darkest periods from 1976 to 1983 when a brutal military ruled Argentina, 导致大约30人被非法杀害和失踪,000人. 侵犯人权行为猖獗. 

Many of the disappeared were abducted by agents of the Argentine military; they were often tortured and killed before their bodies were disposed of in rural areas or unmarked graves.  

The assassination left an estimated 500 children orphaned and placed into the homes of military sympathizers.  在回应,a group of women who were mothers of the disappeared called “五月广场的祖母们” arose, 举着写有失踪孩子的照片和名字的牌子. 他们绕着五月广场游行, 位于卡萨·罗萨达外的一个区域, 政府大楼.  他们对子女和孙辈的失踪表示抗议. With only about 100 of these 500 children having been reunited with their families, 祖母们今天仍在游行.

这些孩子怎么样了? 亨普斯特德马上就要知道了.

大三的秋天,亨普斯特德在阿根廷留学.  One of her goals in coming to Nebraska Wesleyan was to become proficient in a foreign language.  Going to Argentina helped fulfill one of the requirements for her modern language major.  

During her study abroad trip, her Argentine literature professor gave Hempstead a book called 我是谁:关于身份、孙子和团聚的故事.  这本书, 结合她在阿根廷的经历, 加强了她对肮脏战争的兴趣, 还有她想了解更多关于过渡时期司法的知识.

Nelson and Hempstead returned to Argentina over spring break to dive deep into their translation on Argentina’s Dirty War and its orphaned children — a project made possible through the university’s 学生 Faculty Collaborative 研究 Grant.

Theirproject, “Who We Are: Translating the 搜索 for Identity and Meaning 30 Years after Argentina’s Dirty War,被收养的孩子们问道.  Many of the children later discovered were sought out by the 五月广场的祖母们 and a team of forensic geneticists dedicated to reuniting families. 这项研究是对这本书的一个翻译项目 我是谁:身份、孙子和团聚的故事(奎因·索:亲戚是由身份决定的,亲戚是由身份决定的).  这本书 narrates the stories of four Argentinians’ connections with the Dirty War and their subsequent search for identity and reunification with their biological families.  

尽管肮脏战争的影响经久不衰, many English speakers have little knowledge about the events and rely on translations to learn about them, 亨普斯特德说.  She and Nelson are seeking to raise awareness and help English speakers better understand the inhumane acts that were committed in Argentina.  


“Dr. Nelson played a huge part in supporting me academically and setting me up to do this,亨普斯特德说.  “She was able to guide me and help me when I needed it and see my strengths and abilities and what I’m passionate about.”


“I work with foster kids and growing up my best friend was adopted,”她说。.

It's also personal because for Hempstead because of the connections she made in Argentina and people she met who personally had disappeared family members. Hempstead is interested in working with victims of human rights violations.  她想帮助有创伤背景的受害者, 尤其是那些遭受过童年创伤的人.

对尼尔森, it’s another opportunity to help her students prepare for graduate school and impact their career and life choices. Nelson has previously conducted collaborative research with NWU students that has taken them to Mexico, 古巴, 玻利维亚, 智利, 尼加拉瓜, 哥斯达黎加, 和西班牙.

“Being able to use their language and intercultural understanding in a professional setting in their field empowers students as they advance toward their academic and career goals,”她说。.

Hempstead will graduate in May with majors in political science, Spanish and secondary education.  She realizes her opportunities are endless as she awaits word on a Fulbright Scholarship, 在西班牙的教学职位, 以及多米尼加共和国的西班牙语读写能力.  她正在考虑从事法律、教学和公共政策方面的工作. 

